The Insufficiency of Words on Being

In the Categories and the Metaphysics, the philosopher Aristotle attempts to define “being” in a variety of ways, disproving many options, but eventually accepting a plausible possibility. The conclusion that he puts forward for the readers is one of combining actuality and potentiality as a definition for a “substance.” However, the complicated road it takes for him to get… Continue reading The Insufficiency of Words on Being

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Defending Hume’s Argument for an Alternative View on God

The current theologian view of God is a Being who is perfect in all aspects. With this understanding, followers of the main monotheistic religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam lead their lives in service of a Being who is powerful enough to create the universe, knowledgeable enough to share His wisdom with prophets, and good… Continue reading Defending Hume’s Argument for an Alternative View on God

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A Purplish Day

A man is walking down the street on a cold, cloudy January day. He is on his way to work but is constantly on the lookout for anyone of the “other” party. His purple shirt is buttoned up and tucked into his magenta pants. His polarized sunglasses make it hard to see, but he needs… Continue reading A Purplish Day