Pondering on Putnam’s “Reason and History”

“Reason and History” by Hilary Putnam takes the reader on a journey of the absurdness of opinion and morality. The rise of STEM fields in the recent decades has pushed away many humanities subjects of knowledgeable pursuit such as politics, moral thinking, philosophy, and art. An argument can be made that the stated social sciences… Continue reading Pondering on Putnam’s “Reason and History”

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How Medieval Answers on Faith Disprove the Rationality of Science at its Most Fundamental Level

The Medieval philosophers Thomas Aquinas and Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali were two of the most influential of their age. That time of philosophy was primarily tied with religion and new ideas of what God may mean for us that have passed on to our current ideologies today. In the present day, however, science has largely taken… Continue reading How Medieval Answers on Faith Disprove the Rationality of Science at its Most Fundamental Level

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