
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, published in 1955, is one of the most controversial novels to ever exist. The subject matter is of the late-thirties man under the pseudonym of “Humbert Humbert” being entirely infatuated with the “Nymphet” Dolores (Lolita) Haze. A “Nymphet” as Humbert so “pleasantly” calls his subjects are girls between nine and fourteen years… Continue reading Lolita

Categorized as Books

On La La Land

Come back. Let me help you. Why can’t every person be able to follow their dream in life? It is utterly unfair. Am I not following my dreams right now? I am at a turning point. Why couldn’t she do it? I don’t know. Is she lost? Yet, I shouldn’t have to think of her.… Continue reading On La La Land

Categorized as Poem