Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis, published in 1985, is a nihilistically chilling novel set in 1984 Los Angeles. The main protagonist is named Clay, and we get to see his interactions with his friends and family whom he hasn’t seen since leaving for college. During his winter break, we see him return to the old life that he was used to in high school, going to parties, abusing substances, and having superficial relationships.
Clay, and all the other characters, have no real goals, they just go around using their parents’ vast amounts of money to indulge in the most hedonistic activities. This satire of 1980s LA culture is perfected by Ellis with his monotone prose, apathy of what should be intense events, and excessive meandering of simple conversations. Clay’s nihilism and uncaringness about everything that goes on around him increases as we see he has no feelings for his family, friends, or even himself.
By the end of the novel, we find that Clay has not gone through a journey of self-discovery and improvement like most stories, but instead keeps the same mindset from the beginning of the novel, devoid of any empathy or meaning. This amazing satire shows the effects of just how dangerous hedonism and nihilism can be and the complete ignorance of the wealthy to meaningful issues.
Rating: 8/10