The universe gives us almost everything.
One may ask the universe if there is meaning in life.
The universe gives no answer.
There is no designed meaning.
One must, therefore, make their own meaning.
Or live with no meaning (nihilism).
Or commit suicide – the only certainty in life is death.
One has, therefore, the greatest power within their grasp.
To exercise the fact of death at any time to oneself – even before the almighty universe decrees it.
Why not, then, kill oneself?
Because a power even greater than that act is to exercise life.
To live is to rebel against the designed death for as long as possible.
For if the reality of death is so impactful, resisting it is even more impressive.
Albert Camus asked: “Should I kill myself or have a cup of coffee?”
To have that cup of coffee is to resist the guarantee of death, just a little bit.
It is therefore your power to yourself to LIVE.
Every choice you make is you decreeing your influence on this world, to decide to live just a little longer, for a reason important to you.
Because it is your life. There is one that we all get, why not rebel against what is already to occur? And before death happens, you can smile upon a world to which you left a mark.
You matter, every little thing you do.