
This page will show my journey through art in various categories from books, movies, poems, philosophy, and more.

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  • The Free Bin Podcast

    Check out my appearance on “The Free Bin Podcast” with the link below. “Thanks to a fortuitous geographical mix-up, Harrison has a chat with self-published author and medical student Vinnie Grewal from Toledo, Ohio. Vinnie’s current project is a series of novels with overlapping events and characters. Here, he shares details of his inspirations, philosophy,……

  • The Physician’s Role Regarding Empathy

    What is the physician’s role regarding empathy? The words “empathy” and “physician” go hand-in-hand with our expectations of the world today. From weeding through the applications of potential medical students to a patient evaluating which attending physician they may want as their primary care doctor, empathy is viewed as a necessity in the eyes of……

  • On Art as the Meaning of Life

    There is a tingling drive that emerges within a corner of all of our consciousnesses every so often that prompts the phrase: “What is the point?” This question has been attacked from all sides ever since consciousness and wonder arose in the human mind. Answers to this have come from various religious ideologies, spiritual beliefs,……