Story of My Life

The 1988 novel Story of My Life by Jay McInerney, released in 1988, stars the acclaimed Alison Poole who is a twenty-year-old college girl living in New York City. Her life consists of drug-induced binges of the highest hedonism with friends who swap clothes with her as often as they meddle with each others’ partners… Continue reading Story of My Life

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Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, published in 1955, is one of the most controversial novels to ever exist. The subject matter is of the late-thirties man under the pseudonym of “Humbert Humbert” being entirely infatuated with the “Nymphet” Dolores (Lolita) Haze. A “Nymphet” as Humbert so “pleasantly” calls his subjects are girls between nine and fourteen years… Continue reading Lolita

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Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Thus Spoke Zarathustra is considered by the author, Friedrich Nietzsche, as his most important work. In it, Nietzsche uses the fictional character of Zarathustra to act as a messenger of a new way of thinking, a reevaluation of all values. This starts when Zarathustra goes about his first going-under where he exits his mountain and leaves… Continue reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra

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The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway is a short novel published in 1952. This story is one of the most famous literary masterpieces of the twentieth century, winning the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and then being a large contributor to Hemingway winning the Nobel Prize in 1954. The aging fisherman, Santiago, has… Continue reading The Old Man and the Sea

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Less Than Zero

Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis, published in 1985, is a nihilistically chilling novel set in 1984 Los Angeles. The main protagonist is named Clay, and we get to see his interactions with his friends and family whom he hasn’t seen since leaving for college. During his winter break, we see him return to the… Continue reading Less Than Zero

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Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, written in 1866, is not like most murder-mystery novels. In 19th century St. Petersburg, the intelligent law-student Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov has run out of funds to continue his studies. This fact along with his depressing living conditions, disgust for the people around him, and news that his family is arriving… Continue reading Crime and Punishment

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