On La La Land

Come back. Let me help you. Why can’t every person be able to follow their dream in life? It is utterly unfair. Am I not following my dreams right now? I am at a turning point. Why couldn’t she do it? I don’t know. Is she lost? Yet, I shouldn’t have to think of her. It’s Valentine’s Day. I just finished watching La La Land. Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh. It is a movie about following your dreams; but that sometimes you have to sacrifice to follow them; sometimes people you love. It’s okay to love people when they are gone from your life; it’s okay to wish them well. Why can’t every person be able to follow their dream in life? It is utterly unfair. Am I not following my dreams right now? I miss you. By “you” I mean youYou, however, is not just her, but it is also the emotion of passion that she brings upon me; that makes it me. I miss me. The me who follows his dreams. The me who leaves La La Land balling his eyes out, letting out the catharsis of the feelings of a movie, the feelings of art. The me who takes on that path, the one who realizes that because he can be so impacted by art, that that is the reason that he should pursue it. Me is the person who becomes the artist, who one day can be that source for someone else who can feel these very same emotions and pass on the catharsis.